How to prevent influenza H1N1 by Korean Medicine?
by Ji Myung Woo
(Grade 4, Staff Writer)
Young Kyun Moon
(Grade 3, Assistant Writer)
Ha Na Yeon, Jong Woo Kim
(Grade 2, Assistant Writer)
How can we fight against influenza H1N1? More than 300,000 people worldwide have been confirmed as cases of pandemic influenza H1N1. While the number of confirmed cases increases continuously, the supply of Tamiflu, treatment for influenza H1N1, is not enough in many countries. Then, what can we do with limited supply of Tamiflu? The best way is to take measures to prevent influenza H1N1. World Health Organization(WHO) had set guidelines to prevent the spread of influenza H1N1. (You can refer to it in later part of this article.) Still better way is to use Korean medicinal methods to prevent and treat influenza H1N1.
How better is oriental medicine in treating/preventing H1N1?
In international seminar about influenza H1N1 held recently in South Korea, the director of Chinese Medicinal Science reported that out of 10221 confirmed cases of influenza H1N1, 6098 patients were cured completely by using Chinese medicine and there was no case of death so far. Chinese government had set guidelines for treatment of influenza H1N1. Chinese doctors should use Chinese medicine for early phase of H1N1 and for serious cases, doctors should use Chinese medicine and Western medicine simultaneously. The average treatment period using Chinese medicine is about 3-5 days. The treatment efficacy is similar to that of Tamiflu while the cost of Chinese medicinal treatment is about 1/7 lower than using Tamiflu. Furthermore, there was no case of side effect. Dean of College of Oriental Medicine, Kyung Hee University asserted that "Illici Veri Fructus (八角), an ingredient of Tamiflu, have been used by KM doctors broadly."
How to prevent influenza H1N1 by Korean Medicine?
There are three Korean medicinal methods to prevent influenza H1N1.
The first method is simple. Keep away from pathogen(避邪). This method is almost the same as the one that WHO recommends. Primary preventive method is to avoid pathogen(邪氣) as much as you can.
The second method is life nurturing (養生). In Korean medicine, illness is process of struggle between the healthy qi and pathogenic qi (正邪相爭). Person with strong healthy qi can remain healthy even after exposure to pathogenic qi. In other words, person with weak healthy qi is vulnerable to illness. Life nurturing can be enhancing healthy qi or maintaining healthy qi. Life nurturing in this method is to maintain healthy qi to prevent an illness. The basic idea of this method is to avoid food and places that can damage healthy qi. 1. Eat clean and warm food. Avoid eating cold food. 2. Avoid cold places. 3. Wear appropriate clothes according to temperature.
The third method is to reinforce the healthy qi (扶正). This is mainly done by taking Korean medicine. The president of Korean Medical Association of Professor of Lung Internal Medicine asserted that "Frequent water intake is very important to prevent influenza. Also, concoction including ginger (Zingiberis Rhizoma Crudus), date (Zizyphi Fructus), and field mint (Menthae Herba) is effective in preventing influenza.
There are also many other ways to prevent influenza in Korean medicinal classic Dongeuibogam.
-Powder realgar (石雄黃) and apply to nose.
-Boil Styrax Big Pill (Sohaphyang-won) and use the steam to prevent influenza.
-Take Powder of Rhizoma Cyperi and Folium Perillae
-Take Jeong-gi-san(正氣散)
-Take Doso-eum(屠蘇飮)
-Take Chilmuljeok-san (七物赤散)
-Take Antiphilogistic Powder of Herba Schizonepetae and Radix Saposhnikoviae (荊防敗毒散)
WHO guidelines to prevent H1N1
The main route of transmission of the new influenza A(H1N1) virus seems to be similar to seasonal influenza, via droplets that are expelled by speaking, sneezing or coughing. You can prevent getting infected by avoiding close contact with people who show influenza-like symptoms (trying to maintain a distance of about 1 metre if possible) and taking the following measures:
-avoid touching your mouth and nose;
-clean hands thoroughly with soap and water, or cleanse them with an alcohol-based hand rub on a regular basis (especially if touching the mouth and nose, or surfaces that are potentially contaminated);
-avoid close contact with people who might be ill;
-reduce the time spent in crowded settings if possible;
-improve airflow in your living space by opening windows;
-practise good health habits including adequate sleep, eating nutritious food, and -keeping physically active.
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