Serim Kim
Grade 3
Grade 3
Nowadays, Korean Medicine is welcomed in aesthetics field, and Facial acupuncture is one of the main traditional treatments.
Facial acupuncture releases congestion of meridian system through direct stimulation using acupuncture and makes circulation of qi, blood, and bodily fluids smooth.
Consequently, it focuses on the treatment of skin problems such as improvement of facial wrinkles, skin tone, and skin elasticity. Also, it aims at adjusting facial skeletal structure imbalance.
In case of treating fine wrinkles, SMAS(Superficial Muscular Aponeurotic System; refers to an area of musculature of the face) is the main target of treatment. And for deep wrinkles, facial muscular layer is the main target.
Facial acupuncture contracts extended facial muscular layer and relaxes strained facial muscular layer.
We can regard wrinkles as folded curves. Skin layer of folded part usually lacks or lost collagen and elastin. Facial acupuncture leads collagen formation spontaneously by special acupuncture stimulation so that furrowed part of skin becomes filled up.
It is reported that facial acupuncture is effective when it is performed for 3 to 5 times in all, and once in 1 to 2 weeks.
Facial acupuncture has many strong points. Above all, it stimulates skin with little scratch through frequent acupuncture treatments. Therefore, it does not leave a scar as compared to surgery. Also, both treatment time and recovering time are short, so people are easy to approach. Moreover, facial acupuncture has no side effects which are what people are afraid of.
There is another type of facial acupuncture that is fine herbal acupuncture. This is watching for bigger effects by not only giving physical stimulation but also injecting herbal medicine inducing skin regeneration into the skin.
For proper facial acupuncture treatment, it is essential to understand facial muscles, and depth, angle, method of applying needles have to be accurate.
Objective effectiveness has not proved enough, so much more researches have to be accompanied in order to prove objective effect and to be applied stably.
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