A. What is Petit Cosmetic Acupuncture?
Cosmetic Acupuncture is a therapy that relaxes acupuncture points around mimische muskeln in facial skin by acupuncture and stimulates acupuncture points in order to lift flaccid facial muscles, reduce the face size and make natural facial line. This therapy also promote metabolism and make the nutrition providing smooth. Therefore, it promotes recovery of collagen and makes the patient have a fine complexion and favorable look. Petit Cosmetic Acupuncture part deals with cosmetic acupunctures except acupuncture for wrinkle and breast.
Applications through petit cosmetic acupuncture are listed below:
l Lift the nose bridge
l Lift sunken cheek flesh in order to look younger
l Adjust sunken or unbalanced muscle around the mouth
l Improve unwanted scars (hollowed scar, projected scar, acne scar, etc)
B. Mechanism and concrete way of Petit Cosmetic Acupuncture
Cosmetic acupuncture is related with meridians. The Lung Meridian is associated with Qi deficiency which results in poor skin tone and texture with loose pores and Excess heat, and with fluids that results in acne, poor skin tone and texture with loose pores. The Spleen and the Stomach Meridian is related to Qi deficiency with symptoms of poor digestion, poor muscle tone around eyes, on cheeks, and under chin and jaw.
Concrete Method
This example deals with lifting the nose bridge. When doctors lift the nose bridge, there are two possible methods:
The two ways are listed below:
a. drug injection
The doctor inserts herb medicine ingredients which are harmless to human body by needle.
b. thread injection
The doctor inserts acupuncture which involves bio-thread which would melt in human body.
The doctor lifts the nose bride by inserting the drug along the middle line of the nose bridge in a row. Then, the doctor inserts the herb medicine liquid around the tip of the nose, and the glabella by using bio-thread. If the doctor uses the two ways at once, the effect would last longer.
C. Merits of Petit Cosmetic Acupuncture
The merits of cosmetic acupuncture are listed below:
l short recovery time - everyday life is possible immediately
l This operation improves not only the face but also the whole bodyl since it is a holistic procedure.
l No anesthesia. Therefore, patients can consult about the size and shape of the operation region with a doctor during the operation.
l The method is simple since doctor uses acupuncture
l The period of operation is relatively short – within an hour
l The traces of operation like swell, inflammation, and bruise do not remain after the operation.
l The effect is shown just after the operation.
l The effect lasts from three to five years considering individual differences.
Good work. . this is what i need thanks for the tips.
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