Grade 3
"Breast Pricking Acupuncture" on the rise
The body part which troubles women the most is breast - especially, small and drooping breasts. Breast enlargement surgery, a treatment during which artificial implants are put in one's chest, is the most frequently used method in order to solve this problem. Nevertheless, one has to endure severe pain until the implants completely settle in. Moreover, traces of surgery can be detected because those implants feel different from real breasts. Sometimes one's body recognizes the implants as impure substances, thus creating solid membranes around them, which in turn results in hardened chests or falling off of the implants.
Recently, Breast Pricking Acupuncture, a method which enables large breasts without having to put in artificial implants, is on the rise. Breast Pricking Acupuncture is an acupuncture method devised in order to make adequate-sized, elastic, and "undrooping" breasts using only acupuncture needles; It enables enlargement, lifting, and enhancing elasticity of breasts, thus providing a remedy for unbalanced breasts or breasts that are far apart from each other.
Because this method does not make use of methods used in Western medicine such as cohesive gel, saline solution pouches, or fat grafting, and uses only acupuncture, one can receive treatments without the fear of anesthesia or surgery.
The mechanism of Breast Pricking Acupuncture is to use qi; Using acupuncture, the practitioner stimulates acupuncture points and meridians, enabling smooth flow of qi, thus resulting in more qi in the chest. More simply put, it is like piercing clogged-up acupuncture points - which has disturbed growth of the chest - and once again accelerating the progress of growth. This kind of enlargement is possible because women's breasts tend to "store" things(the letter "房” in "乳房(breast)" means to store and to retain volume). Moreover, “thread injection” is frequently used in lifting up drooping breasts; This method is conducted by inserting harmless medicinal threads in one's weakened muscles, inducing self-thriving substances in the body to cluster and to thicken and strengthen the muscles.
Normally, one comes in to receive Breast Pricking Acupuncture treatment every 10 days, for 3 months. Time needed for the treatment is 20 minutes in average, and the effects begin to show after 5 t0 10 weeks. Parts of treatment, time, frequency, and intervals all depend on one's constitution and body condition. Because Breast Pricking Acupuncture makes it a pre-requisite to correct distorted bones before treatment if there is anything wrong with the spine, ribs, or sternum, one can enjoy not only bigger and lifted breasts, but also overall balance of the body and health.
답글삭제Thanks for sharing. This is an excellent post overall. It is necessary that women should do proper research before going for the breast augmentation since it is a major surgery. Doing some research and reading about BA can help in a better decision making. breast augmentation Philippines